Belgian innovation makes vegetables fresher, healthier and cheaper.
The start-up Mother launches HomeForest, an installation that enables to grow plants 'automagically' and harvest food indoors. ‘Grow a Pak Choi for less than 25 cents.’
The start-up Mother launches HomeForest, an installation that enables to grow plants 'automagically' and harvest food indoors. ‘Grow a Pak Choi for less than 25 cents.’
The start-up Mother launches HomeForest, an installation that enables to grow plants 'automagically' and harvest food indoors. ‘Grow a Pak Choi for less than 25 cents.’ HomeForest can be described as a futuristic design tree from which you harvest vegetables.
With the help of the built-in plant light and hydroponic growing pods, you can grow any type of plant in it, from basil to radish, from pea plants to arugula.
HomeForest is designed to reach a public that is conscious about the food they consume but is not growing their own vegetables just yet. Often it is too labour intensive, too difficult or too expensive"
Cost breakthrough
HomeForest consists of an open frame that recycles energy from its surroundings. It reuses a home’s heat to germinate seeds and the available light to contribute to the photosynthesis of plants. In combination with a patented and reusable growing medium, this makes it possible to harvest vegetables that are a many times cheaper than in the supermarket, and this without the use of pesticides.
"Because growing vegetables in the living room will suddenly become effortless and cheaper, we will also see an ecological shift. No more packaging, transport or waste for food that can be harvested next to our plate" says Dries Bovijn, founder of Mother.
Automagic experience
In addition to an ultra-efficient growing process, an effortless experience is necessary to let indoor farming really succeed at home according to Mother. The experience must be 'automagical'. All the customer has to do is give water once per harvest and sprinkle seeds. There is no soil or growing medium present and the germination phase is fully automatic. More time to enjoy your plants instead of working on them. HomeForest is sold as a kit that can be installed in various ways, as a stand-alone, against a wall, as a single tree or a complete indoor farm/forest.
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