UAntwerp spin-off splits CO2 molecules into useful raw materials

A new start-up is using plasma technology from the UAntwerp to break down harmful CO2 molecules into their original building blocks. With these ingredients, companies can start working again to produce biofuels, chemicals or other useful raw materials.
A new start-up is using plasma technology from the UAntwerp to break down harmful CO2 molecules into their original building blocks. With these ingredients, companies can start working again to produce biofuels, chemicals or other useful raw materials.
A new start-up is using plasma technology from the UAntwerp to break down harmful CO2 molecules into their original building blocks. With these ingredients, companies can start working again to produce biofuels, chemicals or other useful raw materials.
The start-up D-CRBN arose from the research group PLASMANT, at the Chemistry Department of the UAntwerpen. Using an innovative plasma-based technology, the group was able to split harmful CO2 molecules into original building blocks.
"Chemistry is about the building blocks of life," explains Professor Annemie Bogaerts. "We convert those building blocks back into raw materials and useful compounds."
The new technology is now making the transition from the lab to practice. "We can help companies make the transition to a circular and more sustainable economy," explains CCO David Ziegler. "We are primarily targeting companies in the Port of Antwerp, especially in the (petro)chemical and steel industries. At the moment we are already in talks with promising projects in the port."
The start-up is based at BlueChem, the incubator for innovative chemistry in Antwerp.
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