Recticel Insulation contributes to the construction of Living Tomorrow's brand new Innovation Campus

6 P1145269 min

Recticel is one of the partners of Living Tomorrow. We see our partnership with Living Tomorrow as an extension of our innovation strategy. Together with all other partners and the architects and contractors of this project, we want to further develop certain sustainable insulation concepts. The aim of these projects is to achieve lower CO2 emissions or increase productivity on the construction site, for example when measuring a roof via drones.

Recticel is one of the partners of Living Tomorrow. We see our partnership with Living Tomorrow as an extension of our innovation strategy. Together with all other partners and the architects and contractors of this project, we want to further develop certain sustainable insulation concepts. The aim of these projects is to achieve lower CO2 emissions or increase productivity on the construction site, for example when measuring a roof via drones.

Together with all other partners and the architects and contractors of this project, we want to further develop certain sustainable insulation concepts. The aim of these projects is to achieve lower CO2 emissions or increase productivity on the construction site, for example when measuring a roof via drones.

In addition, we also work together with other partners in a project called 'The facade of the future' to give insulation a more dynamic role and where the circularity and modularity of the system will be paramount. We strongly believe that we have to think more and more in terms of systems and solutions. The collaboration with Living Tomorrow is obviously a great asset for us.

Meanwhile, the construction of this new Innovation Campus has reached its highest point. The highest floor has been completed, with which the impressive tower has reached its maximum height of 49 meters. The contractor is working here with our insulation. This building has great ambitions in terms of sustainability. How do Recticel's insulation solutions contribute to this?

Stijn Boury, Product Development Manager Recticel Insulation: "It was decided to insulate the roof with Eurothane Silver insulation boards and Eurothane Silver A tapered insulation. With tapered insulation, the slope of the flat roof, necessary for the drainage, is created via the insulation boards themselves. A chape is then superfluous, which means that the contractor can work faster. Recticel always supplies a customised installation plan. Eurothane Silver also has all the necessary certificates and quality labels: CE, Keymark, FM Approved, ATG and ATG/H and finally PEFC."

P1145290 min

Would you like to know more?

Read the blog article with the visions of the architects Frederik Vaes (UAU Collectiv) and Bart Thijs.

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